
I’ve always had a hard time expressing myself out loud, the words just never seemed to come out the same as how they sounded in my head. Mix that with the anxiety that reminded me daily how many ways I could possibly mess something up. I felt like I was being held back, as if I would never break out of the shell I was in and be the boss person I wanted to be. I presumed the timidity would follow me through the years, getting worse as time went. Until I started learning more about the mind and how powerful it really is.

Our brains are like elastics that we are able to bend and twist in whichever way we want. You can think, feel, and be exactly what you want. No if’s, and’s, or but’s. We have the potential for so much more than we knew. Just like all the genius’ of the past used the power of their mind to create great wonders, you too, can do the same. I am finally learning to live to my full potential, and I’ve never felt better. I will show you some of the tricks to do the same. 

I put this website together to express the crazy thoughts spiralling around my head. The good things, and the not so good things about this hectic world we are living in. As well as some helpful tips on how to exceed to your highest potential using the powers of the mind we have all been given.  

I’ll share stories of tough times, and how tough people overcame them, as well as short stories and articles that get your brain moving. 

Hopefully it helps some people realise that they’re not alone in feeling alone, or alienated in this world. There are other’s out there that feel a little lost and out of place here. And sometimes it sucks, but there’s nothing wrong with feeling like you don’t know where to go. We don’t know all the answers and who’s to say we ever will? So, questioning and pondering why things happen and what the hell we are doing here is all we’ve got.

Recently I have started a new website which is going to be my primary source for everything I write. So, if you are interested in what I have to say please check out my new site: https://maskedhoney.com/

Thank you to anyone who reads my stuff, you put the biggest smile on my face and give me a reason to keep writing. 😊💞